Aligning Action with Ambition: How Leadership Companies Approach Audacious Sustainability Goals
The pressure is on when it comes to sustainability in the private sector. No longer is it sufficient to announce new ambitions. Now, driven by new reporting requirements in the form of TCFD, new regulatory regimes being enacted by the EU, increasing shareholder and consumer pressure around the pace of climate change, companies are being asked to not only set goals – but to share detailed plans about their roadmap to transform their business to reach those targets and their progress against those.
These new expectations go beyond the goal-setting and reporting process – it also is now expected that companies will have multifaceted sustainability goals and programs that encompass carbon but also water, waste and biodiversity and also are creating new tools and services to enable others to build on their work.
There’s also increased competitive pressure, as more and more companies step up to the plate. Despite this pressure, there is precious little guidance or best practices to guide a company who is just approaching this work for the first time, or those struggling to convince the C suite that carbon reduction goals are now just table stakes en route to a net zero science based target.
At the end of this hour-long webcast, listeners will gain insights and practical tips to:
- Set a north star and build a roadmap for ambitious, achievable 2030 net zero goals
- Make a case for going beyond carbon, and going beyond incremental improvements only in operations towards comprehensive net zero transformation
- Get C-suite buy-in on setting next-generation sustainability goals (and fund this work)
- Set OKRs and metrics that are transparent, accountable and increasingly based on real-world and real-time data
- Joel Makower, Chairman & Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group
- Lucas Joppa, Chief Environmental Officer, Microsoft
- More speakers to be announced
If you can’t tune in live, please register and we will email you a link to access the archived webcast footage and resources, available to you on-demand after the webcast.
taylor flores
Wed, 09/02/2020 – 21:35
– Thu, 09/17/2020 – 11:00