A Global Community of Local Green Businesses....

How the IAA Global Green Alliance makes a difference.

International Bed and Breakfast membership (IBBA) brings a unique and innovative team to connect your business to more new customers.


IAA Global Green Alliance membership uses an innovative and unique team marketing and education approach that helps connect your business to more new customers.

Making our environment cleaner is the driving force behind the IAA Global Green Alliance which is a community of tourism related industry associations, organizations, businesses and individuals that are committed to protecting the environment through the use of voluntary environmental practices, while promoting responsible tourism.


The IAA Global Green Alliance operates under the auspices of the International Association Alliance (IAA) and it is the IAA which manages the application process and maintains the Global Green Alliance website. As part of the IAA community, IAA Global Green allows consumers to search for accommodations, restaurants, activities, attractions, events, and many other providers of goods and services that participate in Global Green’s Voluntary Sustainability Standards.

How the Global Green Alliance uses Innovation to make a difference.

International Bed and Breakfast Association membership uses the power of community based marketing to connect your business to more new customers.


IAA Global Green Alliance membership uses the power of community based marketing to connect your business to more new customers.

Your customers care about the environment and so do you!  The Global Green Alliance can help your business by answering the difficult sustainability questions you face.  The What, Who, Where, When, How, and Why of sustainability. helping your business embrace and address the sustainability issues that matter to your customers.

What is the Global Green Alliance?

International Bed and Breakfast (IBBA) membership uses innovative community marketing to grow your business through connections to more new customers.


IAA Global Green Alliance membership uses innovative community marketing to grow your business through connections to more new customers.

Global Green’s voluntary program seeks to reduce the environmental impact of our tourism industry and raise environmental awareness among our members and our guests. Voluntary standards are now in place or are under development for all sectors of the tourism industry.

Global Green Alliance Membership Benefits

Businesses that join the Global Green Team realize that the tourism industry is closely linked to the beautiful environment we live in. We all receive many benefits from protecting our environment, but here are some benefits which come directly from participating in Global Green.

  • Your Business listed on Global Green Websites and searchable through the International Association Alliance website at (www. internationalAssociations.org)
  • Global Green Certificate to display at your business
  • Use of Global Green Logo by your business
  • Global Green Profile of your business
  • Increased Patronage of your business by members of Environmental Groups and environmentally aware customers
  • Your business saves $$$ through cost saving green measures
  • Global Green Alliance Membership Benefits

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